Booking in at the Snow Leopard Lodge is the simplest way of looking for snow leopards allowing you complete flexibility as to the number of days you want to spend and requiring none of the elaborate preparations that are needed to camp out with all the problems of cold aggravated by altitude. Add to this the exclusivity of the location which makes for a truly superb high-altitude wilderness experience.

The search for the Snow Leopard in the high Himalayas is an adventure of a lifetime that one never forgets. We believe it changes ones life.

Location geography and Access 

The roads to Ladakh remain closed from October/November to May/June.
Winter access is by air. Several flights operate between Delhi & Leh and Srinagar & Leh.
Snow Leopard Lodge, Ulley is 76 km ( 2 hours ) from Leh.

Refer the map to know the exact locations of our two lodges in the trans-Himalaya of Ladakh.

Lat/Long coordinates 
Snow Leopard Lodge Ulley – 34.33354487765213, 77.13166233822862

+91 9315729482

+91 9910065198  


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